Framtidens välfärdsdebatt om sjukvård, skola och omsorg kommer att se mycket annorlunda ut än tidigare. Trots låsningar och stillastående behövs nya idéer, men vem kommer att så för dem. Läs mer i artikeln Välfärd efter välfärdssamhället på Medium den 19 juli.
söndag 19 juli 2020
måndag 13 juli 2020
Global Catastrophic Risks 2020
Global Catastrophic Risks 2020 is an annual analysis of the greatest threats to humanity produced by the Global Challenges Foundation. It is based on the latest scientific research and features contributions from leading experts at think tanks, university departments and other institutions worldwide. As well as exploring the risks themselves, it summarizes the current status of global efforts to manage them. Download the report as a PDF-file here.
söndag 12 juli 2020
Hur utvecklas nästa generation batterier?
I medierna står det ofta om det snart kommer stora framsteg och fantastiska utvecklingar inom batteritekniken. Stämmer det? Frågan får några svar i Hur utvecklas nästa generation batterier? som finns på Medium den 12 juli.
lördag 11 juli 2020
Identifying and Assessing the Drivers of Global Catastrophic Risk
For a long time the foundations of research regarding the concept of global catastrophic risks have been dominated by the ideas and concept presented by the philosopher Nick Bostrom from the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford and astronomer Milan M. Ćirković in their book "Global Catastrophic Risks" from 2008. The book was an effort to redirect the course of research towards more integrated efforts, which particularly succeeded through the impact of Bostrom's later book "Superintelligence" in 2014.
Could a shift in the paradigm of global catastrophic risk and existential risk be at hand? The report Identifying and Assessing the Drivers of Global Catastrophic Risk published through the Global Challenges Foundation does indicate so.
Dr. Simon Beard is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk CSER in Cambridge. Phil Torres is an author and scholar, published widely on emerging technologies, terrorism, and existential risks.
The field of studying global catastrophic risks seems to have taken an interesting turn.
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