torsdag 14 april 2022

The Scandinavian flexible approach to global catastrophic risks

Many people, especially civil servants, are able to recognise the interconnectedness of parts in a complex system that make up challenging societal problems, including those of high severity such as global catastrophic risk. We can often agree that big problems need a holistic, all-of-systems approach. So, on the basis of understanding of complex systems, institutions and institutional behaviour will need to be re-designed in order to avoid silo-enforcing, patch-work policy. I write for The Mandarin of April 14th about complexity and public policy in The Scandinavian flexible approach to global catastrophic risks.

Den sista boken om mordet på Olof Palme - en recension

Den sista boken om mordet på Olof Palme by Jon Jordås My rating: 4 of 5 stars Jon Jordås, som tidigare gjort en dokumentär om utredningen...