fredag 17 juni 2022

New solutions for global risks?

Sweden is hosting, together with Kenya, the UN’s climate conference Stockholm 50+. Fifty years after the UN’s first environmental and climate conference took place, the Stockholm Conference in 1972. It led to the ”do no harm” principle, namely that states are obliged to prevent, reduce and control the risks of environmental damage to other states. It also led to the creation of the UN Environment Programme UNEP and the establishment of World Environment Day, held on 5 June each year. Read more in the article New solutions for global risks? published in Opulens Global on 17th June.

Leoparden och Berättelser, en recension

Leoparden och Berättelser by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa My rating: 5 of 5 stars Vilken underlig historia romanen "Leoparden" ...